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Bloq Delivers Ethereum Archive Nodes and More in v1.2

bloq ethereum node blockchain infrastructure

Released today, version 1.2 of the Bloq platform for blockchain infrastructure services features the availability of Ethereum archive nodes among other improvements.

Ethereum Archive Node Now Available

In addition to the Ethereum full nodes that are already part of our offering, we are pleased to provide customers with the ability to spin up their own cluster of Ethereum archive nodes.

Ethereum archive nodes provide the entire history of the Ethereum network and are required to get a glimpse into the state of the network at a given point in time, which is useful when performing deep analysis. For several years, Bloq has been running and maintaining Ethereum archive nodes internally because our services require them. We are now offering these nodes to our customers, with tracing enabled. 

Additional Updates

As part of the 1.2 update to the Bloq platform, we are also deploying several additional improvements to our service.

  • Ethereum Classic nodes images have been updated to adopt improvements from the Ethereum Classic community, shifting from multi-geth to core-geth.
  • We’ve made improvements to enhance the stability of node clusters. Users will now have the ability to auto-renew node clusters. 

We are continuing to improve the Bloq platform’s services, with new features in the pipeline. These include Parity node support for Ethereum mainnet and testnet and, of course, the result of our work with ETC Labs — API services on Bloq Connect for Ethereum and Ethereum Classic. You can also look forward to detailed updates on our work with Algorand as well.

To get started in the meantime: 

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