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Decentralizing Decentralized Networks

Decentralization, above almost all else, is what cryptocurrency enthusiasts value. Numerous applications exist for the sole function of monitoring the health of a given network, typically expressed in varying degrees of aspirational decentralization.

However, cryptocurrency users have largely accepted a rather paradoxical version of centralization by using single, inoperable ledgers (blockchains). Case and point, one cannot really move Bitcoin to the Ethereum blockchain – and to move wealth between chains requires a “cashing out” of sorts. When considering community discord, governance practices, and economic items (such as fees), cryptocurrency owners should be able to move for any of these reasons while maintaining the same asset.

Enter Metronome, a chainhopping cryptocurrency that allows its users to move between compatible blockchains for whatever reason they wish. Read the team’s full article on this topic for more information.

Dariusz R Jakubowski is Bloq’s head of community.

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